Thursday, January 6, 2011

Denver, CO

We finally arrived in Denver at 8 pm (instead of 7 am), but our unluck was not finished! As we didn't know exactly how to arrive to our host's house. We looked for a Starbucks Coffe and loooked up the route and the busses to take on Google Maps.

Unfortunately we didn't put in the right adress: we confused 9th avenue with 9th street. So we took a very strange bus (more like a travel-bus than a city-bus) and ended-up in a school campus. We finally realized our mistake and that we were in a completely wrong place, in cold Denver at 10 pm.

We asked a campus security for help and he walked us to the main bus and trax (line trams in CH) station. He asked some of the drivers which bus we had to take but noone could answer! The security man told us to take a cab and left. He was very kind and he even left us a little flash-light. So we wantet to call a cab, but we didn't have the phone number and the phonebook was, of course, missing the pages we needed. Under the entry for “cab” it was written to look for “taxis” but the last page of the phonebook was with names beginning with “L”.

We then walked to the nearby Burger King, grabbed a coke and used the free internet to figure out where we were and which busses we had to take to finally reach our destination.

We finally arrived to Britt's house (our host) at 11:30 pm and cooked the promised pasta. We felt so sorry for her she had to wait so long!

The following day we went to the State Capitol all toghether and we had a guided tour. We took a great walk to get there. The weather was sunny ad not really cold.

Denver is a nice city with lots of trees and squirrels!! We saw at least 20 squirrels during our short stay! They are not afraid and came very close.

After the Capitol we wanted to visit the Colorado History Museum. After our 20 year old guide book the museum is right in front of the Capitol. Actually it was, but only from the outside. The building still has the name of the museum on it, but the museum is no longer there.

We looked for the actual place and found out that the museum doesn't exist right now, it's in no museum!

We went back to Britt's house and ate tasty vietnamese springrolls before we left her house at 2:30 pm. We walked back to the downtown area. Around 5 pm we arrived at the Greyhound station and wanted to grab our ticket for Kansas City for 6:40 pm. But guess what?! The bus was full! We couldn't believe our ears!! We put us in a standby list, hoping to find 2 empty seats after everyone else had boarded. Nothing of couse! We had to stay one more night in Denver. This time we didn't have to sleep in the station, but could go back to Britt's house. On the way to the house, we walked through the touristic 16th street Mall. It's a beautiful street plenty of restaurants, bars and shops. For example there are Hard Rock café, Cheesecake Factory, Yard House, Rock Bottom, of couse Starbucks (where there isn't?) and other famous restaurants. The following morning at 9 am we left for Kansas City. Again we lost one whole day! Spending it on the bus instead of walking trough Kansas City. We learned to take our tickets early in the morning. The only problems is that with the pass we purchases, we only can get tickets on the dy of departure! Depending on where our hosts live it's not always possible to get the ticket in the morning without loosing time we could instead spend visiting the city!

The travel ws very long! And the landscape was the exactly same all along Kansas state: nothing, cows, ranches, nothing, cows, ranches, McDonalds, nothing, cows, ranches. There also were a lot of wind power works and oil wells on the road. And of course all flat!


  1. The blog is so cool, Lorenzo! And such great writing :)

  2. Thank you for the compliment, but I have to say you that it's mostly not my writing, most of it is Romina's writing. :(
    I'm most "responsible" for the tecnical part... :)
