Monday, August 5, 2013

Arches NP (5th of August 2013)

Delicate Arch
During the drive from Bryce to Arches NP we saw some interesting rock formations and beautiful colors.  Once in the park we first stopped at the visitors center as usual. They always have interesting expositions explaining the geology of the place and give information about the native Indians
who used to live in the area.

The South Wind
We then went exploring the beautiful park, characterized by stone arches and brick-red rock formations. It was a really hot day, but in the afternoon there was a thunderstorm and the sun disappeared behind dark clouds. We thought it was over with nice picture taking, but the rain and clouds disappeared as fast as they came, so we still could take nice pictures of the sunset.

Broken Arch
When we left the park it was already dark.  We stopped in Moab, UT south of the park and got something to eat. After that we already started the journey direction Idaho Fall, ID.

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