Friday, July 5, 2013

Boston, MA (5th July 2013)

In the morning Nick made us a delicious breakfast with eggs and vegetables.
While eating, he told us about their trip in Europe and about the wonderful experience they had in Hungary. It was very nice to listen to their stories!!!
After this interesting wake-up, we jumped on the car and they dropped us off near the subways station. From there we started our one-day visit  to Boston downtown.

Ready for the Freedom Trail
After a first stop at the Greyhound station, where we bought bus tickets for the evening, we started our walking tour into Boston, with our brand new camera ready to be used! Under the humid Bostonian heat we decided to take the freedom trail, the brick-lined route that leads to 16 historically significant sites, starting from the Massachusetts State House.

Quincy Market
Once we arrived at Faneuil Hall, the Quincy market attracted the attention of our hungry stomachs, so we stopped for a lobster roll and a beagle (not forgetting a super sized cookie of course). We walked some more, without having a specific goal, but just enjoying the views of the city.

Towards the end of the afternoon we headed back to the Greyhound station, where we took the overnight bus to Niagara Falls, NY.

On 10th of July we will be in Boston one day more, we will finish the freedom trail and meet some very good friends for lunch. We are looking forward!! :)

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