We landed in LA on Monday 18th in the evening. From the airport we took the FlyAway bus to Hollywood. It took us a bit more than normal to reach our airbnb because apparently the bus needed gas but couldn't do it because of an issue. It was funny because we stopped 2 times and the driver tried to do something but finally nothing at all was done but we still arrived at destination.
The day after we went to Burbank and tried to be part of the live audience of the recording of the 20th episode of the last season of "The Big Bang Theory". We had only stand-by tickets, so we new from the beginning that the chances were small that we would get in, but we still wanted to try.
We arrived at 11.30 and there were already 21 people waiting in line before us. The first ones in line had arrived at 8.30! The show only would start at 18.30!
Time passed and the line grew longer and longer. At around 15h we could enter the official waiting area of the studio and the people with a general admission ticket were separated from the ones with a stand-by ticket. We were number 14 and 15 from the stand-by line. Usually for "normal" episodes an average of 30-40 people with stand-by tickets would get in, but since it was one of the last episodes there were just too many VIPs. At some point one of the security guys told us that there was still a chance to get in for the people in line up to nr. 30, so we were positive. We hoped until about 18h20 but then we were given the definitive feedback that there were no free seats for any of the stand-by ticket holders.
What a pity! But it was still an interesting experience!

On the following day we picked up our rental car and drove back to Burbank for a Warner Brothers studio tour. The tour brought us to some of the outdoors and indoors filming locations and shared interesting filming anecdotes of different movies and series, old and new.
We also got to see the sound stage 29 of the series Lethal Weapon and where shown all the tricks and hacks of film making. It was impressive to realize how many things are fake in a movie...
Another interesting thing we saw was the object store, where all the objects used for the movies are stored. Furniture, books, mugs, lamps, phones and the most strangest objects.
We also got to hold a real Oscar! The Oscar was won for the documentary "So much for so little" at the 22nd Academy Awards in 1950.
We also got to hold a real Oscar! The Oscar was won for the documentary "So much for so little" at the 22nd Academy Awards in 1950.
The film making world is a bit of a magical world, where everything is possible!
After the studio tour we started our drive towards northern California but we stopped in Paso Robles for the night. We arrived at around 18h and were greeted by our couch surfing hosts Chris and Anna. They took us to a drum circle held in their church. During a drum circle people sit in a circle and play different kind of drums together. On that day there was also the beginning of spring, so the community was celebrating that. It was a different but interesting experience. After that we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant with our hosts.